The Ultimate Resource for Sustainable Waste Solutions


Welcome to the Regulations category page on the Wastebits Blog, an essential resource for waste and sustainability professionals seeking the latest information, insights, and best practices in navigating the complex landscape of environmental regulations. Our expertly curated articles provide in-depth analyses and practical guidance on understanding, implementing, and complying with a wide range of environmental rules and policies, ensuring that you stay informed and prepared to meet regulatory requirements.

The Regulations category page features a diverse selection of informative and engaging articles specifically designed for waste and sustainability professionals. From policy changes and enforcement updates to compliance strategies and industry-specific guidelines, our content aims to enhance your knowledge and skills in managing the regulatory aspects of waste management and sustainability. The Wastebits Blog is your trusted source for staying current, knowledgeable, and ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities presented by environmental regulations.

Mastering Compliance: Unraveling the Frequency of RCRA Training for Your Organization

how often is rcra training required

If you work in a facility that generates hazardous waste, staying up-to-date on the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) regulations is essential. One aspect of compliance is ensuring that employees receive proper training on handling and disposing of hazardous waste. But how often is RCRA training required? This article will break down the training requirements and frequency to help you...

The Biden Administration Moves to Regulate Forever Chemicals” that We’re Exposed to Every Day”

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The Biden Administration has been making strides in regulating chemicals that threaten the health of millions of Americans. In a historic move on October 18th, 2021—the Biden administration announced that it will begin to regulate a group of long-lasting, human-made chemicals called PFASs (perfluorinated alkyl substances) that are known to cause cancer and other diseases. These chemicals can be...

How to Dispose of Old Tires Legally with Your State’s Laws

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Tires are an important part of our lives. They help us get to where we need to be, and they provide traction for the vehicle on the road. Tires also have a life span that is dependent on how often you use them. Once they become too old or worn out, it’s time to dispose of them properly so they don’t cause harm anywhere near your home or business. In this blog post, we will discuss how...

A Guide to RCRA Training

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers

RCRA training is one of the most important aspects of being compliant. And lack of it is also among the most frequent causes of citations for noncompliance. The requirements for RCRA training are often state-specific, and documentation and proper coverage are particularly important. Training also affects employees differently depending on their job role.

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 101

Photo of Empty Class Room

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is the main federal law that governs solid and hazardous waste disposal in the USA. It was passed in 1976, as pollution from improper disposal of hazardous waste and the lack of a federal framework to ensure safe disposal became increasingly problematic.

The Ultimate Resource for Sustainable Waste Solutions

About Wastebits

Wastebits provides innovative waste management software that revolutionizes the way businesses handle their waste disposal and recycling needs. The platform serves as a one-stop-shop for waste generators, haulers, and disposal facilities, connecting them in real-time and providing transparency throughout the entire waste management process. With Wastebits, companies can ensure regulatory compliance, optimize waste diversion strategies, and make data-driven decisions for a more sustainable future.

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